How to approach a random girl in a party and ask her for a threesome? It is quite difficult to ask any girl that you don’t know personally and you want to be in a threesome situation with her. There are many guys around us and witnessed the same situation but they don’t know how to approach any unknown girl and ask her for a threesome hookup. If she rejects you offer or turn down your proposal and create a scene, you may feel embarrassment and ashamed in front of all other people available in a party. So, what you think? Will you drop the idea of having a threesome with her? I’m sure that mostly guys drop the idea of having a threesome with that unknown girl due to the fear of getting ashamed or embarrassment.
But do you really think that dropping the idea of having a threesome with an unknown girl in a party is quite good. Not really, to my view, you must know how to approach a girl and convey your feeling to her. It’s basically a skill that you must know if you are quite desperate about threesome. Her in this article, we are going to discuss the tips and tricks that how to approach a random girl in a party and ask her for a threesome. Here are the tips that you have to follow if you want to ask for a threesome from a bbw girl you see in a party.
Whenever you see an attracting girl and you are dreaming to have a threesome with her, it’s won’t work if you go directly and ask her for a threesome. This might also make the situation worse and you will also feel an embarrassment if you do this. Try to start with normal introduction and let her know that you are looking her. Make an eye contact with her regularly and wait for her response. If you get any response from her, it’s time to bring a drink for her. Offering her a drink of your likes and introduce yourself to her. It’s best time to know about her. Ask her either she is alone in a party or with someone else. No matter what’s her answer, it won’t affect much but it will surely help you to start a conversation with her. After few minutes of conversation, it’s time to switch on your favorite topic and share your best sexual fantasy you have and ask her about the same.
Make sure that she is taking interest in this topic. When you ask about her sexual fantasy, ask about swingers.
Start with a line. What you think about threesome? if she responds well and share her threesome experience, offer her for a threesome sex with you and your partner. Is she said, she never think about threesome and she is quite enough for one man, than tell her that be into a threesome situation is your biggest fantasy. If she responds well, than you can ask her for threesome but if she said, you are disgusting and a man without any manners or sense, better to leave that girl and find other one.